- Strong reduction of destructive effects of limestone in water pipes.
- Strong reduction of maintenance (water pipes, boilers, washing machines, etc.) and operation costs (e.g. less cleaning agents).
- Additionally, sewers become clearly cleaner.
Applications Residential Homes
Limestone behaviour:
In the following we present you different Limestone application cases:
Looking for more detailed information:
-> Direct Link: "Benefits of Mam Nature Water"
-> Pleaser refer to:« Limestone Dossier »
Water Pipes:
Boilers clearly calcify less. In most cases lime now appears as a kind of fine sand and can be easily removed during maintenance.
With very high water hardness short term lime deposits can be formed which then occasionally fall off.
Water Heater:
Similar behaviour as in the case of the boiler. Also, existing hard lime layers dissolve already after about 2 weeks use of Mam Nature ® Water. As they now appear as a kind of soft paste they can be easily removed with a sponge. Hard lime layers no longer form. However, paste-like lime may continue to appear with very hard water and this can be removed without any problems.
For illustration here further photos of a water heater with 34º French hardness :
Photos Limestone Behaviour Water Heater
Coffee Machines:
Calcification is clearly reduced due to the effects described under boiler/water heaters.
The taste of the coffee is clearly improved - in particular both acid as well as bitterness are taken away from the coffee.
Whirlpools / Luxury showers:
Clearly reduced calcification.
Washing machine:
Clearly reduced calcification - in particular the heating element. Clearly decreased detergent consumption.
Explanation: Detergent softens the water. The softer the water the better its washing power.
Mam Nature® Water behaves in a soft manner. Consequence: Less detergent is required.
Dish washer:
The requirement for chemical additives to reduce limestone is substantially reduced