Applications Residential Homes

Limestone behaviour:
In the following we present you different Limestone application cases:
Looking for more detailed information:

-> Direct Link: "Benefits of Mam Nature Water"
-> Pleaser refer to:« Limestone Dossier »

Water Pipes:

  • Strong reduction of destructive effects of limestone in water pipes.
  • Strong reduction of maintenance (water pipes, boilers, washing machines, etc.) and operation costs (e.g. less cleaning agents).
  • Additionally, sewers become clearly cleaner.
Mam Nature Particle Filter


Boilers clearly calcify less. In most cases lime now appears as a kind of fine sand and can be easily removed during maintenance.
With very high water hardness short term lime deposits can be formed which then occasionally fall off.

Mam Nature Particle Filter

Water Heater:

Similar behaviour as in the case of the boiler. Also, existing hard lime layers dissolve already after about 2 weeks use of Mam Nature ® Water. As they now appear as a kind of soft paste they can be easily removed with a sponge. Hard lime layers no longer form. However, paste-like lime may continue to appear with very hard water and this can be removed without any problems.
For illustration here further photos of a water heater with 34º French hardness :
Photos Limestone Behaviour Water Heater

Mam Nature Particle Filter

Coffee Machines:

Calcification is clearly reduced due to the effects described under boiler/water heaters.
The taste of the coffee is clearly improved - in particular both acid as well as bitterness are taken away from the coffee.

Mam Nature Particle Filter

Whirlpools / Luxury showers:

Clearly reduced calcification.

Mam Nature Particle Filter

Washing machine:

Clearly reduced calcification - in particular the heating element. Clearly decreased detergent consumption.
Explanation: Detergent softens the water. The softer the water the better its washing power.
Mam Nature® Water behaves in a soft manner. Consequence: Less detergent is required.

Mam Nature Particle Filter

Dish washer:

The requirement for chemical additives to reduce limestone is substantially reduced

Mam Nature Particle Filter