Scientific studies


The subject of water itself - compared to its existential importance for life on our planet earth - is very little explored and know in many of its aspects.

And regarding Water Treatment, more and more turns out that many treatment methods and technologies, pretending to be good for water and human health, turn out to be the right opposite.

Mam Nature aims to provide you transparency and understanding based on our more than 20 years of experience in water treatment based on science and empiric studies.

Mam Nature Particle Filter

                                   OVERVIEW OF OWN STUDIES:

GDV Study Dynamized Water:

Among 72 test persons (42 female, 30 male) in the age ranging from 6 to 80 years, an average body energy increase of 27,45% (measured with GDV Device) has been recorded after drinking 6 dl of dynamized water.
-> Study in PDF: 
1.1_GDV Study_Dynamized Water_e                                 

Dr. K.Korotkov GDV Scientific Report:

Experimental data in double blind experiment during 3 months demonstrated statistically significant effect of using dynamizerd water to the energy state of group of people compared with control group
-> Study in PDF:
1.2_Dr. K.Korotkov_GDV-Study_Dynamized Water 2007.06


The electrical quality of the dynamized water is significantly improved:

  • less susceptible to oxidation
  • Increase in total electrical flow potential

This has a positive impact on the growth & state of any living species
-> Study in PDF:
2_Bioscope_Dynamized Water Treatment Test 2016.08 Report REV2                                 


Usual tap water compared with dynamized water being exposed to pathogene germs showed clearly that dynamized water inhibits the growth of pathogene germs (E.Coli) compared with untreated tap water.
-> Study in PDF:
3_Study GIE MicrotoxO_2017.10_e

Effect of structured water on In Vitro plant growth:

Explants placed in the structured water medium showed differences in morphogenetic responses compared to explants exposed to the conventional medium.
An improvement was evidenced with respect to each parameter studied; being more notable in the emission of shoots and in the weight gain of the explants, placing structured water treatments above conventional ones.
-> Study in PDF
4_Effects of the use of Dynamized Water in the Multiplication In Vitro of Banana Plants_e

Water Crystals from Dynamized Water after E.F. Braun:

Due to its long way in straight water tubes, normal – e.g. untreated tap water loses its capability to form a regular, hexagonal Water Crystals.

After being dynamized, the same normal tap water gets back its capability to form beautiful hexagonal Water Crystals.
-> Report in PDF:
5_Water Crystals Study_III_e_2016.08


Biological stability of dynamized water - sample over 16 years old:

Water is generally moved in straight water tubes.
This doesn’t correspond to the natural movement of water, which is a vortexed movement – e.g. a movement in spiral.
Therefore, normal water– e.g. untreated tap water loses its biological stability. The consequence is, that normal tap water kept in a bottle usually starts to tilt biologically after about 6 months. In practice this means, the corresponding water start to produce algae.

On the other side, dynamized water shows an extreme biological stability:
In the here present sampledynamized water being kept in a transparent glass bottle and being exposed to normal daylight, shows not the least sign of algae or similar organic degeneration over the whole observation period of over 16 years.
-> Report in PDF:
6_Biological Stability_Report_e_2015.04.27                              

Partial integration of oxygen in water:

The Dynamized-Oxygen Water showed a capacity of partial linking in of oxygen in water. This has never been previously measured. The difference towards other oxygen waters is highly significant and reproducible at any time.
-> Study in PDF:
7_Partial integration of oxygen in dynamized water_e

Flush. out of 25 heavy metals in urine by dynamized water:

The present study the remarkable reduction of heavy metals by over 50% within about 1 year at a over 50 years old test person.
This study shows that the effect of homoeopathic degradation at the beginning is most evident.
The fact that measurements were accomplished - in particular the analysis of urine leaving the body can clearly confirm the flushing out of heavy metals.
Within standard medical teaching such results cannot be attained, since practically nothing is available to evacuate heavy metal loads int the human body. Thus, the value of the treatment by dynamized Water is confirmed - the numbers speak for themselves: there is an average reduction of the heavy metal load to less than 50%.
-> Study in PDF:
8_Flush. out of 25 heavy metals in urine by dynamized water_e

Electroluminescence and Germination with dynamized Water:

The Electro Luminescent Test as well as the Germination Test show significant trend indicating that the treatment of water leads to different results.
The Germination Test suggests that the influence of treatment is positive.
-> Study in PDF:
9_Study_Electroluminescence and Germination_e_2003.07.08

Study Reduction Uranium  Dynamized Water:

Reduction of Uranium Concentration in Water:

  • from: 7,8 resp. 7,2 µg/litre (Measurement No: 01685 & 01686
  • to:   0,006 µg/litre (Measurement No: 01678)

       E.g. a reduction by over 99%

Important comment:
There was no application of any kind of filtration or other manipulation to retain any substance in the examined Water Dynamization Device.
This phenomenon cannot be explained by normal means.
Therefore, more research has to be carried out.
-> Study in PDF:
10_Study_Uranium Reduction_dynamized Water_2006.12.16

                             OVERVIEW OF 3RD  PARTY STUDIES

Health Risks from Reverse Osmosis Water (7 studies):

Reverse Osmosis (=RO) water is highly aggressive and if untreated, it attacks the water distribution pipes.
To avoid this problem, most of RO Filter are on counter kitchen devices installed at a final tap.
So, being already highly aggressive in water pipes, what happens in our body (?):

  • Deminalization of our body
  • Biological instability of the water due to lack of mineralization - therefore risk of bacterial contamination
  • Higher risk of motor neuronal disease, pregnancy disorders and some types of cancer

-> List with 7 studies                                    

Water Waste of Reverse Osmosis Water (2 studies):

A typical point-of-use RO system will generate per gallon resp. litre of filterered water between 3 and 20 times more reject water.
-> List with 2 studies                                   

Harmful Chlorine in Shower Water (5 studies):

Chlorine is a commonly used disinfectant in swimming pools and water treatment facilities that effectively kills harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
However, prolonged exposure to chlorinated water can have negative effects on the skin:
Dryness and Itching
Eczema Flare-Ups
- Acne
- Discoloration
Premature Aging
-> List with 5 studies                                  

Harmful Chlorine in Drinking Water (5 studies):

Chlorination of water rich in organic material is known to produce mutagenic and carcinogenic substances and excess risks forrectal,  bladder and colorectal cancers.
-> List with 5 studies                                    

Strontium in Drinking Water - good for bones & teeth (1 study):

A significant positive correlation was shown between Sr (=Strontium) concentration in drinking water and bone mineral density (BMD) in the elderly.
-> Study in PDF