Benefits of Mam Nature Water

1. Pure physical Limestone Treatment as sustainable alternative to Water Softeners:

Lime is often found in high concentrations in drinking water and leads to rock-hard deposits and disturbances in water systems. The usual solution is water softeners. However, the water quality is significantly affected by this way of Lime treatment:

  • Bacterial charge produced in the Water Softeners (if not maintained every 2 months)
  • Sodium entered to the Drinking Water
  • Salt (around 100 kg per year) goes to the canalisation water
    -> can't be treated by public water purification plants
  • Calciumchlorite, which is even harder than Limestone produces deposits in the sewage water

Mam Nature ® « Water  LIME » & « The Swiss Water DYNAMIZER »: A true alternative for water softeners.

Physical basics:
« Water Lime » converts the hard form of lime (calcite) into a soft form (aragonite) by Permanent Magnets (« Water LIME ») and extreme Turbulation  (« The Swiss Water DYNAMIZER »), which eliminates the formation of hard lime deposits. Looking for more detailed information: -> Pleaser refer to:« Limestone Dossier »

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2. Selective Water Filtration maintaining the natural mineralization:

Usual water filtration systems are either filtering the water not enough like usual Particle Filters with a pore size of 90 μm or too sharp like Reverse Osmosis Filter, where all natural mineralization is completely eliminated from the water.

However, the natural mineralization is absolutely needed for the biological balance of the water and all living organisms.
This includes the health of human beings like prominent scientific studies show:
-> Link to Scientific Studies section "Health Risks from deminarlized Water"
The selective Water Filtration of Mam Nature:

  1. Lead-free « Water PARTICLE FILTER »:
    with 40 μm pore size, backwashing, integrated pressure reduction & 360° rotatable connection unit in 316L stainless steel.

  2. « Water FINE FILTER »:

    Unique quadruple filtration system:
    a. Physical: Membrane filter with 20 μm & 5 μm 
    b. Activated carbon: filtration by adsorption
    c. Aqualen TM: Adsorptive fibers for effective
        filtering of heavy metals
    d. Ionized silver: sterility in the filter cartridge 
        without silver entering the Drinking water.

    • Reduces: chlorine, chloroform, pesticides, petrochemicals, phenol, microplastics, heavy metals up to 97 – 99 %
    • Selective filtration: preserves the structure of the water and its composition (like minerals):
      This means that all minerals and trace elements remain in the drinking water.


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3. Incredibly smooth taste:

Mam Nature Water has a taste like you possibly never experienced it before:
Smooth, passing the throat in a light way (withouth "scratching" like many tap waters) and leaving with sensation of being hydrated (and not dry like usual tap water) quenched your thirst.

But all these words cannot describe the sensation of tasting Mam Nature Water - so we invite you to get in contact with us for live demonstration at your home.


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4. Smooth skin when showering & bathing:

Mam Nature Water not only hydrates your throat, but as well your skin in never experienced way.
After having passed the LIME, PARTICLE & FINE FILTER units to become softened & filtered, the water gets to the Swiss Water DYNAMIZER where extreme turbulation, natural frequency transmission & restructuration gets the water back it's fine molecular structure which provides the water it's extraordinary hydrating quality.

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5. Water Molecules in Micro-Clustered structure – therefore Cell & bio available:

Today's drinking water lacks cell availability.

It can therefore neither optimally transport nutrient particles and oxygen into the body nor waste products from the body. Reason: Technical water treatment forms large clusters of water molecules, causing drinking water to lose its cell availability.
Thanks to extreme turbulation, natural frequency transmission & water restructuration in the Swiss Water DYNAMIZER, the water gets back it's Micro Clustered Structure and therefore as well its Cell & bio availability.


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6. Improved digestion due to cell availabilty:

Due to improved cell availability, the human body asks automatically after Mam Nature Water.
So, the body receives:
a. Enough, e.g. easily 2 litres of water per day which 
    allows him already to clean the organ like required by
    a healthy organism.
b. Getting as well the quality of water the body needs.
The proof is most simple:
If a water quality corresponds to the needs of our body - and he knows perfectly well which one suits him really - he will aks automatically for more water.
On the other hand, if a water quality doesn't correspond to our body, he show us simply in not asking for this kind of water.
So if we learnt that we should drink the famous 2 litres of water per day, we can try to force, however, we will most likely struggle as our body will refuse this water.

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7. Hexagonal structured water:

Pure, undisturbed spring water has a hexagonal structure.

This water is present in the body and is constantly produced by it.
If tap water is contaminated or exposed to high pressure, this hexagonal structure gets lost. When we drink this type of water, our body has to expend additional energy to create this hexagonal state.

That is why it is important to drink the highest possible quality of hexagonal structured Water. The Japanese Masaru Emoto and the Swiss E.F. Braun - see photos left hand - make this visible through their water crystal photographs.
Like the base for the present construction, the Swiss Water DYNAMIZER produces an extraordinary structured water.


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8. Energized Water produces a substantiallly enhanced energy field in the human body:

More details: -> see scientific report « GDV Study Dynamized Water »


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9. Significantly improved electrical quality of dynamized water:

The quality of the electrical organization of water can play an important role in chemical, biochemical and functional properties in systems in which water – i.e. any form of life – is used. An increase in the electrical signal flux (average spectral phase) indicates that the water carries an increased electrical potential (greater electronegativity).

The overall function of physical water dynamization(like the Swiss Dynamizer) significantly changes  the electrical quality of the  tested water, making it less susceptible to oxidation while increasing the overall electrical flux potential.
Like the base for the present construction, the Swiss Water DYNAMIZER produces similar of not even better of this kind of dynamized water.


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10. Highest biological stability:

Usual tap water kept in a recipient (bottle etc.) tilts biolically - e.g. produces algeas etc - after about 6 months.
One of thre reasons for this biological instability is the fact that we move water in worldwide standard in straight water tubes - and this doesn't correspond to the natural way to move of water which is a movement in spiral.
The consequence is that water form big water molecule clusters.
Giving the water back its natural movement in spiral - also known as Vortex movement - the water gets back its original molecular structure with Micro ClustersThis has been proven with a Water Sample in a glass bottle staying biolically stable for more than 20 years (!)
More details: -> see empiric report « Water Sample from 1998_Report_e »
and with the following scientific method:  
« MicrotoxO »
Usual tap water compared with dynamized water being exposed to pathogene germs showed clearly that dynamized water inhibits the growth of pathogene germs (E.Coli) compared with untreated tap water.
More details: -> see scientific report « Microtoxo »

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11. Better results in Agriculture:

For detailed results please refer to our Agriculture references

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