The Swiss Water Dynamizer - The Details

The Swiss Water Dynamizer: Principles of Function - Overview:

In total, the Swiss Water Dynamizer has 18 principles of function which apply nearly at the same time as the water remains only half a second in the Swiss Water Dynamizer Device. Before going to detail regarding the principles of function, we would like to explain the conditions which need to be fulfilled for an effective and stable Dynamization of conventional tap water:

  1. Neutralization of the pollutants existing in the water leads to proper frequency loss. Thereby, the pollutants become, as in the case of the water, carriers of the imprinted, natural frequency spectrum:
    -> This goal is achieved in two ways:
    a) 5-stage Filtration by Mam Nature Water PARTICLE 
    b) Extreme Turbulation of the water with the advantage
         that the former pollutants, now neutralized, can be used
         as a carrier structure for the desired frequencies to be
  2. Deletion of the pollutant frequencies stored in the molecular structure of the water based on breaking up the large water cluster (700 molecules) into micro-clusters (4 - 8 molecules):
    -> This goal can be achieved in two ways:
    a) Heating of the water to 400°C - technically feasible only with great effort and it is not efficient from the point of view of energy.
    b) Extreme Turbulation of the water (realised in the Swiss Water Dynamizer).
  3. Effective protection of the Swiss Water Dynamizer Device on its inside against electro-smog: Without such protection the frequencies to be transmitted to the water imprinted on a substrate (water, quartz, sand) become appreciably ineffective due to spurious frequencies.
    -> This goal can be achieved the following ways:
    A screen is formed against effects of electro-smog by very fine materials (stone flour and quartz crystals with different granulation mean that there is a different natural oscillation). This material combination - closely packed around the functional part of the water activation device - is able to reliably break the frequencies of electromagnetic interfering radiation to a speed of zero and thus make them ineffective. Main Principles of function:


    Vortex Turbulation via rotation of the water in heliocoidial tubes after the renonwed water pioneer Victor Schauberger.
    -> More details ablout Viktor Schauberger

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    Acceleration / Deceleration

    Acceleration / Deceleration - e.g. Pressure / Suction is omnipresent movement principle in nature.
    And as Mam Nature follows nature always as close as possible, it's integrated in the Swiss Water Dynamizer.

    At same time, thanks to combination of Vortex &  Pressure / Suction movement, the Partial Integration Capacity of Oxygen in dynamized water is substantially increased.
    -> See scientific report:
    « Partial integration of oxygen in Dynamized Water »

    Mam Nature Particle Filter


    The combination of shear force of magnetic field lines of Permanent Magnets and extreme turbulation (Vortex & Acceleration / Deceleration) leads to excellent conversion of Limestone from its hard form (Calcite) to it soft form (Aragonite).

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    Additional Image 1

    Rythmics in Golden Ratio

    Harmonious music & sound contains often the rhythmic  golden ratio.
    At the same time there's an interference between frequencies and water, which can be visualized in so called sound images.
    And some may know the good feeling after a nice concert for example in classical music.
    The reason for this that our body contains at least 70 - 80% of water - and this water interfears with the frequency set of the music.

    Similar things happens with the water passing the Swiss Water Dynamizer:
    The form frequence of the golden ratio is transmitted to the water.

    Mam Nature Particle Filter

    Natural Frequency Transmission on Water to be treated

    When rain falls from the sky, it has the quality similar to distilled water lacking mineralization and life-giving frequencies.
    When it then enters to the ground and passes the different layers, it gets in contact with a high number of materials until it reaches the groundwater.
    Each of these materials has its own frequency - and the water passing by adopts these frequencies in its molecular structure.
    This gives the water - apart of the accumulated  mineralization - its life giving quality in frequency form. This explains why for example a tree doesn't get his water directly from the rain but by its roots as deep as possible from the ground.
    The Swiss Water Dynamizer uses a most comprehensive frequency set of inert natural materials to copy this natural frequency transmission to the water.

    Mam Nature Particle Filter

    Natural Frequency Transmission on Water to be treated